Thursday, April 23, 2009

Quick and to the point

Yes it's been awhile... but I don't always have something interesting to say. Sometimes life just continues on, and while there are moments I continue to appreciate (many many of them); they are often - individually - brief and fleeting, and not really worth the time to write about. So yes, it's been awhile, and I'm sorry about that, but I avoid drama - mostly - and so I'm often a pretty "boring" person to anyone besides myself (I mean, I find myself very interesting all the time... but that may just be me).

Anywhoodle, so a quick word (or two):

First, I'm going to see Earth tonight. I'm very excited for this, and I can tell you that you will be hearing more about it once I've seen it, both on my blog and in person. I'll be repeating my excitement/opinion on it a lot I'm willing to wager, so if you hang around me often, be prepared.

Secondly, I put up our pendant lighting last night. Russ was kind enough to assist* me (*read: do it while I stood by holding tools and "looking" helpful) in installing the canopy/rod system that you mount to the ceiling, over Easter weekend. I picked up the lights this last Monday, and last night spend a great deal of time going through the process of installing them.

It's a very very very very tedious task. Seriously. (No, seriously. Just ask Wendy.) But finally, I got them exactly how we want them, and they're up and running! Yeay!

They get crazy crazy bright if you turn the dimmer all the way up. The brightest of these pics are at only 50%. I realized after I left this morning that I should have snapped a picture with them off so you could actually see the fixture itself, but I didn't think it through, so... sorry! You'll just have to come over and see it in person.


Wendy said...

I love the new lights... they look much better in person though. :)
Great JOB babe!

Julie Snell said...

Very fun! Although I still say there was nothing worng with the light fixture you had there before :)

Wendy said...

we never said there was something wrong with it... we just did not love it and wanted to switch it out if we ever had the funds to do so... and 4 1/2 years later... Tah Dah!
I am just not a chandelier type of gal :) It was all about personal preference.

sfitz said...

Can't wait to hear your big fat apology to Mark after you see the movie and realize that IT'S THE EXACT SAME THING as Planet Earth. I mean, same footage and everything. The only difference is it has James Earl Jones as The Voice and not some British (or Australian, I always get those two mixed up) guy. Exact same. Same thing. Exactly. Still good though.