Monday, June 15, 2009

News today... lots of it

First off, thanks for ALL your prayers. I believe in the power of God, not the power of prayer, but I do know that we are encouraged to pray for one another.

"But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness." - Hebrews 3:13

"Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." - James 5:16

Therefore, I thank you for doing God's work :).

OK, to the point... God is amazing, and He does amazing things. Anyone who's spoken to Wendy or me recently knows that we are in the midst of HUGE blessings from God. There's absolutely no reason we should be anywhere near getting this home, except that God loves us, and has plans for us, so He got involved.

The bad news...
Our house did not appraise properly. It actually was way below (30K) what we are selling it for.

The Good news - God stepped in...
The couple from Georgia considered everything, and decided to buy our house anyway! The appraisal is a total non-issue now!

Bad News....
Mortgage Rates sky-rocketed as soon as we signed a deal with Sheila.

Good News - God stepped in again...
God told me to wait. I did, counter to all "logic", and counter to the suggestion of 50% of the "experts" who said rates would continue upward. (The other 50% were divided between going back down and staying even). God said, "trust me and wait." I did. Rates went up again. "Trust me, and wait." I did again. Rates went up again.

Today? Rates are now going back down (have been since last Thurs.), and hopefully tomorrow will be lower than they were when we started :) (Today they are the same as when we started).

The point? God is amazingly good, and is active!


Candie said...

craziness! so exciting.......

Wendy said...

Our faith will Rise as we Wait upon the Lord!
God is good... all the time!

Julie Snell said...

awesome. it's great hearing everything even though I already heard it! God is Good...all the Time!
So...all this being said...has God told you "Lock!" yet?