Jury Reaches Guilty Verdict in Murder of Abortion Doctor
I'm torn by this article. The question is this: "Is it wrong to murder a murderer?"
Some would say the "murderer" in this scenario (an Abortion Doctor) isn't a murderer... but if you believe the Dr. is committing murder, is it then murder or simply killing to take their life?
That's a hard question to answer. We have a fundamental obligation to protect those that can't protect themselves. The case linked above is interesting, because the Judge wanted the case to not be about abortion... which is precisely what it is about.
We have Murder charges... but we also have man-slaughter charges too... specifically for the purpose of punishing "poor" decisions, vs. "evil" decisions (at least, that's how I see it).
So, in this case, isn't that exactly the point?
If you believe Mr. Roeder at all (regardless of your view on Abortion rights), then according to his motives... isn't it technically a "poor" decision? His motives were, after all, to protect those he believed were defenseless. That's not exactly "evil" is it?
I think about Osama Bin Laden. I've thought about killing him multiple times. I've premeditated it for years. For me, the thing that holds me back is my inability to accomplish the task... but that doesn't mean I haven't thought about it for years - and given the opportunity to kill him, I'd do it. So, is premeditation the standard by which we judge murder? If so, then if I ever see Osama Bin Laden, I guess I'm going to jail forever.
The Dr. was doing something within the law... there's no argument there. but does that absolve someone from their responsibility to protect others? (even if that responsibility is only perceived?)
I'm torn by this case.
My New Language
5 years ago
I have a feeling we will see this case played out on a upcoming Law & Order.
Since we talked about this at length during dinner tonight I am not going to rehash it here. But I will repeat that when you die your tombstone should read...
"here lies David...he was torn."
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