I just HAD to blog tonight.
So, Wendy and I just arrived in Wilmington, N.C. My cousin and his family live here, and we're staying with them for a few days. Then we'll head up to Winston-Salem to visit my Grandmother, aunt, and other cousins. We rolled up at about 8pm, and had dinner and talked. It was fun.
Currently, it's 11:50pm. At about 10:40 tonight, we said our good nights, and retired to our room.
It's a beautiful master suite, huge walk-in closet, big bath, large room and bed, and Allison has done such a great job making it feel welcoming. She even prepared a basket of toiletries in case we had forgotten some of our own! We spent the next 10min getting ready for bed, but seeing as how it is only 7:50 our time in Cali, it was still just a bit too early to actually sleep. No big deal, I have my laptop.
I plugged it in and set in on the bed. I then climbed into bed, and sitting upright with my legs stretched out in front of me, proceeded to arrange the blankets...
and then the bed fell apart. Well... that's not exactly right. The bed didn't exactly "fall apart" - Rather... it broke. With a
Seriously? Seriously?@! What the heck! I mean, this is the first trip I've ever made to see my extended family without the rest of my immediate family, and the first thing I manage to do is break their bed? What kind of lousy luck it that?!
My first thougt was to fix it. But in order to do that, I had to take off the comforter, mattress, box spring, and move the side table. Additionally, or perhaps far more importantly, the only "tool" handy was a plastic toy screwdriver.
The side rails have metal plates in them on the ends that hook into the headboard and footboard. The plate connecting to the headboard on the side I was sitting on ripped out of its sideboard!
Turns out, it's actually broken, so there's no way for me to fix it... certainly not without real tools. By this point it's 11:15 or so, and I don't want to disturb our hosts, so Wendy and I decide to just give up and rearrange the room so we can "make" ourselves a bed.
What once was a beautiful room, quickly turned into chaos.
At this present time, We've completely disassembled the bed, and I'm laying on the mattress which is in the middle of the floor. Our hosts still have no idea any of this has taken place.
I gotta admit though, I'm actually kinda excited to see their faces when they come in tomorrow to get us. :-)
and of course, for your viewing pleasure:
It's only too bad I don't have full "before during and after" pics.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Bedtime stories in North Carolina
Posted by
8:48 PM
Friday, March 19, 2010
Hot Cars
I'm not a big "car" guy. Heck, I'm not a big "sports" guy... or most things "guy-like".
That said, I do have opinions about those guy-things, and every once in awhile i get decidedly "guy-ish".
Well, I read this article: 6 Cars So Alluring They're in an Art Museum
It made me think of my all-time favorite, sexy car. That's first car in the article: 1938 Alfa Romeo 8C2900B Touring Berlinetta , is pretty sexy. But no where near as sexy as my favorite car.
Say hello to the most beautiful car every made: The Auburn Boattail cir. 1936
You'll wanna click those images to see em' up close.
Ever since I was 15, I've loved this car... I mean LOVED this car. I rarely get so excited about a vehicle... but this one is SOOOOoooo sexy. If I ever had the time and money to restore a car, THIS would be it.
It is simply beautiful. It just screams power, and refinement - and it oozes sex-appeal.
I didn't bother to see if it was one of the 18 cars that made it into the museum. If not, it should be. It's true "car-art" at its finest!
What about you? What do you think of the Auburn? Would you pick something different?
Posted by
4:20 PM
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Kisha vs. Ke$ha
So last night, we watched American Idol. This "Lady gaga" wannabe Ke$ha came on the show and performed. Can I just say, "Horrid"?
Anyway, it made me wonder something:
For those of you who may or may not know... I used to be an actor. I did a commercial or two, but I'm most "famous" for my award-winning work in a music video... for a female pop-star from Switzerland/Germany named Kisha.
I was confused, and had to make sure this lame "Ke$ha" wasn't the same as my Kisha. It isn't... but at any rate, made me track down this little goodie for all of your enjoyment!
Behold! Me, in all my 17yr. old glory! (Oh the days when I had no chest hair! :-P ) I'm easy to pick out (I'm one of the surfer dude's, and am the "most seen guy" in the video)... however, some/most of you may know two of the other guys in the video... can you pick them out?
Posted by
11:18 AM