Wednesday, June 16, 2010

It's really just kinda gross...

I have a new "pet-peeve"... except it's not really a pet-peeve. Really it just grosses me out.

What I'm referring to is, Bathrooms that smell like delicious food.

It's gross. I mean... the thought of it is gross. The men's bathroom in the office building I work in often smells like good food during lunch. It's like someone brings their lunch into the restroom - to prepare it??

It's not even the act of food being in the restroom (which, incidentally, I've never actually seen). Instead, it's the idea of going in to use the toilet, being hungry, and then having my appetite worked-up while using the toilet.

I'm sorry, but something about this disturbs me. I shouldn't be getting hungry while sitting on the pot. It's just wrong on so many levels!


Wendy said...

Some would say it is just wrong that you would choose to blog about it :P

Julie Snell said...

I would rather smell tasty food than what I sometimes smell as I walk into our work bathroom. Yikes! Do your dirty business at home people ;)