Monday, February 16, 2009

Mark of Shame

This is our only office "award". You get it for doing something stupid in your code... generally it requires that you break something, but sometimes you can get it for general retardedness. When you get the Mark of Shame, you must display it boldly on your desk until someone else "earns" it... in which case you transfer ownership.

I received this "award" last Friday. It was a "bad" day, and had it actually been possible, I would have earned it twice. It actually was very sad, because I got it awhile back, and haven't had the opportunity to get rid of it. Then, I found out that last Wed. there had been a discovery (from a produced error) of a really really really bad bug that Mike (my boss) wrote quite a long time ago. So Thurs. night, I proudly handed over the award right before I left for the night.

Sadly, the next morning, I was handed it back. Apparently, Mike did a code release to Swell, and it turns out I had accidentally copied identically named images from one client project to another... effectively updating Swell's site with horrible looking images that did not go with their site.

There was another error though (a worse error), and Mike was concerned it was a bug of his. He came in later to gloat when he had discovered the problem, and that it was also mine.

Note to self: When you add debugging code into your project which breaks processes, be sure to remove it before you release it to production.

I guess this old guy's gonna keep me company for a bit longer :(


Anonymous said...

Wow...I am shocked at your willingness to post a blog entry about how you messed up at work. I usually try to keep those instances between me and my office :) Nice little ritual you guys have though. A little shame hanging at your desk couldn't hurt.

sfitz said...

Does this guy know that his mug is the symbol for mistakes? How sad for him! And sad for you too. You should blame Mark.