Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Moment of Awakening

Apparently it's not that uncommon that right before someone passes away, they have a moment of awakening. A short period of time, when their bodies rally, and their ailments seem to subside or disappear, or their minds clear up and they appear attentive and focused - sometimes hours or days before their rapid decline and passing.

Wendy and I were watching our TiVo'd ER episode the other night, and there was an experience of that on the show. An old man (who incidentally was responsible for the building and development of the ER program "way back when") showed up at the ER, suffering from physical weakness, and -it turned out- dementia. Ultimately, he dies at the end, but before he does, he seems to focus in and have a moment of clarity... long enough to acknowledge the presence of a loved one, and additionally use some of his old-school doctor wizardry to save the life of a dying lady. While this is just one incident... one show... there are others, and Hollywood, it appears, is aware of this "moment of awakening".

Our family has experienced this. Roger's mother had this similar moment, where hours before she passed, her body recovered, and her health seemed to greatly "improve". A few hours later, she passed away as her body crashed. Sherri too had this same experience very recently with her mother.

I find it odd that the body does this. That right before it lets go, it struggles (and seems to succeed) so desperately for survival. Why not do this long before - way before the last decline - when the rally might actually do some good? Why does it wait until the end?

Is it merely a mechanism that God created to have a single last moment with loved ones, or at least appear to go "more comfortably" so that it becomes easier for the surviving loved ones to let go?

I only started to think more about this because I'm having a similar (while less severe) experience, personally... with myself.

I've been working non-stop now for a very very long time. It's not all bad, and I'm not complaining... it just is fact. I've gone home from "Work", only to pick up different work. I even spent the entire weekend working. It's been necessary, but still, it's exhausting.

I've been tired. I started out well, but following this last Friday night, I've hit this wall. Oh, I've gotten plenty accomplished over the weekend (A Ton actually), but my body and mind are completely wiped. Sleep has never been so welcomed, and so hard to let go. I am wasted and lethargic...

...That is, until today. Waking up was difficult, but I hit this second wind, my "moment of awakening", in much the same manner as those I've described above. My body is energetic, and my mind is completely sharp. It's as if the fog of my brain blew away in the wind we had yesterday, along with all the rain clouds. I'm functioning very well. I've rallied.

... but deep down, I can feel the exhaustion slowly eating me inside-out, consuming me in spite of my valorous efforts to feel refreshed. It's strange, but it just feels like it "settled" on my mind and muscles like dust, and if I shake to much, it will all stir up again.

So I'm bracing for the crash... but it doesn't change that I still have a lot of work left to do, and so there's no end in sight at this time.

What's my point? Not pity, no... it's all my doing anyway. No, in my clarity, I just realized the analogy fit so well with what I'm experiencing - heck, they very well might be born from the same mechanism within us - and I thought I'd share my enlightened thoughts :-P.

Regardless, I'm not looking forward to the crash... not in the least.


Lolly Caruana said...

sorry. i know about this rally-crash cycle. i don't think it's good for the body or the soul, though. your body and your soul need rest and quiet. weren't you on a sabbath kick for a while? maybe it's time to ressurect that practice??? :)
anyhow, you still haven't added me to your list! ask wendy how--she's such a blogger pro! :) heehee

Noblekain said...

2 things:

1) I could add you to my list. You could ALSO follow my blog. It's easy, and you can follow tons, and on your Blogger Dashboard you can see all the latest posts by everyone you follow summed up in order. It's how I know when you and S.Fitz and Wendy post. Plus, then everyone will see that you follow my blog (see the lower right column menu?), and people will begin to think I'm popular, and also have links to YOUR blog, and then you'll be popular, and then the world will be a much better place because of it, and then we all win and go to heaven! Isn't that great?!

2) I should pick up the Sabbath kick again. I need it. I just feel so guilty that I have these tasks that OTHER people are relying on me to complete, in a timely fashion even, and so I felt like I needed to work-grind to get em done for the peeps. How do you balance that with God's commandments and promises? (*Oh, I feel another blog coming together*)

Lolly Caruana said...

2 things:
1) I COULD become a follower, but then it would be popular...AND I'm not the hugest fan of EVERYONE knowing about my blog on everyone else's sight. Not that I don't like to be popular, but there is a reason that you can't find my blog on google, and it's not because I'm shy. :)

2) "i just feel so guilty that OTHER people are relying on me..." a wise-guy once said, "the fear of man brings a snare, but whoever trusts in the LORD shall be safe." prov. 29:25 be free, brother. free, indeed. p.s. i didn't share this b/c i've got this nailed. i just wrote down that saying yesterday, b/c Jesus was talking to me about my own issues with it. LOVE YOU!

Noblekain said...

2 more things:
1) In that case, I'll remove you from Blogs that I Love. (not that you won't have a blog that I love, but you just won't be included in the "BLOGS I LOVE... and you should too!"

2) Funny that while Jesus was just sharing this with you; you also shared it with me (isn't that called being a disciple?), and how appropriate it was! What a great verse. Really. What's interesting though, is if I had read that within the contexts of a large portion of scripture, I probably would have missed it. Oh boy, do I have much to learn about listening to God's Word! Thanks for highlighting something that is so poignant and perfect. Love you too!

Wendy said...

I loved reading this b/c i felt like i was in the room with you guys and josh and we were all lying around at like 11pm on a work night and we were talking and talking and it was just awesome. I miss the C Fam! And I miss my hubby!!! But I love you too!

Anonymous said...

You forgot the part about how you were asleep on the couch while everyone else was up talking :) Love you twin!