Thursday, March 26, 2009

An update on the Corolla

It seems that my Alarm was outta-wack. My alarm (as most do) has a kill switch on the engine. Thus, if someone tries to break in and steal it... even if they have no fear of the noise it makes... they have no chance of getting the car started.

Anywhoodle... apparently, even though I kept turning on/off the alarm thinking it might be it, I was actually turning the alarm off. However, it wouldn't release the kill-switch.

Anyway, the dealership took my car to the alarm company, and they're either gonna fix the alarm, if possible, or replace it.


Julie Snell said...

I would swear you were talking about my Volvo :)

Candie said...

anywhoodle?! lololol.......

Wendy said...

I know... Candie... is he not hi-larious in his verbage? You are awesome babe. Hot Dog!