I'm in awe. Really, I am. I've felt God moving in my life now (significantly) since last Oct. Obviously, that isn't to say that He hasn't been moving in my life before that... I just never felt it.
I'm now changing my mind about this though. Perhaps God isn't moving in my life at all. Rather, I'm beginning to think that He's just moving... He's in action... and I can either step up and be a part of it, or watch His work pass me by.
As many of you know who speak with me regularly, and certainly those of you who read my blog whenever I post - God's in action. He's doing something. This becomes far more apparent to me as the people I know, the people I love, are beginning to feel the force of God's hand in their lives, and they're responding to it. Simply read a handful of the blogs you see on the list to the right. Almost all of them have recent posts about God calling to them, wanting more from them, desiring to really have a relationship with them.
God's speaking out right now, and almost everyone I deeply care for is hearing Him. I don't know what He's up to, but damn ... I want to be a part of it. I couldn't get this image out of my head, so I searched Google images until I found one that fit exactly what I was feeling. This exactly represents what I'm picturing in my "mind's eye". God is right now drawing His fingers across the surface of the earth, and it's creating waves... it's stirring so many people into motion, into action.
There's a lot that goes on during surfing. Vigilance is an important quality for good surfers, because you have to constantly be paying attention to make sure you don't miss the best waves... and I'll tell you, there's a lot to distract you from them. Whether it's the hot blonde on the board a few yards away from you in the skimpy bikini, the fog or overcast lighting that obscures the waves or blends them into the rest of the ocean, the enjoyable conversation you're having with your buddies, or even the hypnotizing, calming motion of the small waves as they roll by; there's always plenty to keep you from noticing the perfect wave.
The problem is, you have to work to catch waves. Simply seeing them coming isn't enough. When you see them, you have to start paddling to get enough momentum so that the wave takes you with it, rather than just flying by you. You have to move to get correct positioning so you can ride it, instead of being in a bad spot, where the force isn't enough, the wave isn't formed well, or worst, the wave is gonna land right on top of you.
Just like surfing, I see these waves coming at me made by the hand of God as he draws those fingers through the water... I can either let them by and miss the ride; either because they look too big and intimidating, or because I'm not paying attention and watching until the waves right in front of me.
It's funny how well surfing fits as an analogy here. When surfing with Kirk, we'll often be talking, and then notice that people around us (or perhaps even one of us ourselves) will suddenly change position on our board and start paddling. It's infectious, and you can see it easily, even from shore. Like a school of fish, one begins to move in a direction, and suddenly everyone is doing it to hopefull catch the wave.
Well, I see all the people around me paddling for the wave. it's invigoration, because I can feel it happening, and for once in my life, I can actually see that God has something big going on, and I'm not kidding/fooling myself, because clearly ther others around me are feeling it too!
What's He up to? I don't have that answer, but I really wanna be a part of it. it's time to start paddling to position myself properly and get some momentum going.
Don't get me wrong - I know that God is always doing something... but I don't believe God always works in grand gestures.
Now, however, I get the impression that what He's doing is grand... it's huge! And I can see it and feel it... and I'm reinforced with the knowledge that so do the people around me.
There's some waves coming. Wanna ride?
My New Language
5 years ago
i'm divin' in! keep it coming, Lord!!!
Awesome. What a beautiful picture of the Lord stirring up his people. I feel it too...
I wanna ride! God is moving, we're feeling it.. What an awesome post! I love reading your blog. You have a gift David.
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