A huge 'Thank you' to those of you who responded that are willing to fast on my behalf.
Here's the update:
Yes, I'm still planning to fast tomorrow.
As for prayer, here's the deal... In the past week, I did pray that God would give me some direction for where I should be focusing my energy for His Kingdom. Unfortunately, I didn't pray as much as I had intended to.
Anyway, I'm still unsure where God wants to use me. There's two ideas, and lots of confusion.
First, I have had renewed excitement about the business plan to support charities through my companies E-Commerce program, though as much as that's a kind of "ministry"; it is also "for profit". Somehow I feel like this "breaks the rules" for working for Gods glory. It feels like it isn't "selfless", and additionally, because it will also be my actual 8-5 weekday job, it doesn't feel like a "sacrifice" (Of course, I don't know how that would change the dynamic in my office, and the extra workload my actually BE a sacrifice... but I digress). Still, I decided to pour more energy into finishing the business plan, and re-introduced the issue with my boss. I made some updates to the business plan draft I had already made, and plan to give it to him again so we can go over it.
Secondly, I have this idea for rebuilding computers for other ministries. As I've previously stated, there's so many people that just dump their computers because "they are getting slow", or may have died. The truth is, there's still tons of value in those computers, and I'd love to rebuild them for charities (such as the Armenian Gospel Mission). I was talking with my boss and co-worker the other day over lunch about this idea. I was telling them that I've been looking for something "of value" to do... something where I can use my unique skills to "give back" to others, and honor God (neither of them believe in God, but they seemed to connect with wanting to "give back", and do something that "has value"). Anyway, both seemed to really like my idea for the computer rebuilding... but then again, they're both techies, so that isn't very surprising that they'd identify with the idea. Still, we had some very good discussions on the idea.
Anyway, those are my "current ideas", but truthfully, I don't feel like God is pointing to either one. I have doubts. I don't want to move on my own and ignore what God is telling me to do. The "right idea" at the "wrong time" is the wrong thing to do. I really want to hear God on this, and I don't want to allow Satan to send me down a path that "seems good", but is taking me away from the blessing and direction God intends. On the other hand, I also don't want to allow Satan to use my doubts to cause complete inaction. So, I'm feeling like I'm at an impasse and am paralyzed.
Whatever I end up doing, even if it's not one of these things, I want to make sure that I'm prepared going into it all. Prepared to tackle the hurdles, survive and succeed in the battles Satan is sure to bring, and sensitive enough to the Holy Spirit's direction so that I won't miss opportunity milk the most joy and blessing out of serving God.
So, that's where I am at. Whatever you feel lead to pray, do so. I don't want to tell you what to pray, because I'm not sure I'm hearing God clearly anyway... and besides, I may not be asking the right questions.
Thanks so much!
My New Language
5 years ago
First I want to start off by saying that I'm not some kind of crazy stalker and I have a clean record. :) I found your blog by clicking around on Jessica Souther's blog, and this post caught my eye.
I think your ideas are wonderful and needed way more than you can imagine. My husband and I youth pastor just outside of East Los Angeles in Rosemead. We primarily reach low income families. Most of our students don't have computers at home, let alone cell phones. One of the things our church is working on launching is an after school type program to provide a place for students in the area to have access to computers, internet, tutoring help, etc and a safe place to be...because in our neighborhood there isn't something like this available. One of our greatest needs and biggest obstacles is finding computers at a price within our budget, which truthfully, is next to zero. I know that our ministry isn't the only one that has these struggles, and I know you know that.
I just want you to be encouraged during your process of figuring all of these things out. It's really encouraging to me to read about someone trying to figure out how to use their abilities to bring glory to God--and seriously persuing it. I often find myself frustrated (and have had to repent for passing judgement) with the body of Christ for the lack of this.... I pray that God will use you to stir up others to figure out how they can use their skills to honor God!
I bless your process, your eyes to see and your ears to hear. I bless you with a peace, a passion, and a love that comes from walking with your Father. I bless you to step out, walk on water, and watch what God does.
Know that God is going to give you exactly what you need to make it through each day--and more.
I prayed for you today, and I hope that your time of fasting provided you with answers... or new questions.
Thank you for doing what you are doing. It's more than you know!
Prayed and fasted for you yesterday. Dave, you'll get to meet Katie and Levi at dinner on Sunday night.
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