1) I'm the only proclaimed Christian in my office. Today, my co-worker, Beyhan, approached me and she asked me a "religious" question - one which I believe I answered honestly, but also told her that I wanted to look into it further to make sure I didn't give an answer from ignorance. It was a great question:
"What does the Bible say are OK and "proper" reasons that a person should get married?
This was followed with, "Does the Bible say it is OK to not get married?"
Now the second one I answered easily... yes, it is OK to not get married. Paul even encourages it if possible in Corinthians.
But the first was interesting. It's not, "What does the Bible say about marriage?" but rather, about the reasons that good and appropriate to choose to get married.
My answer? As far as I know, the Bible doesn't say anything about what should be a persons reasons behind getting married, but instead simply talks at length about the marriage bond itself (and given those rules, one can deduce if their choice for marriage will be honoring in the long-term). I said I'd come back to her though. Anyone with any additional thoughts?
2) I read 3 articles today about the Massachusetts Senate race. Not one contributed the Democrat loss to policy decisions. Instead, they only blamed Democrats for falling asleep at the wheel during the campaign. Additionally, they all still found a way to through in a "Bush's fault" in their articles. These were from NY Times, ABC News, and Washington Post. Pathetic. 3) Following my #2 above, I'm really pissed that somehow "Health-care Reform" has become synonymous with "Public Health-care". Why can't we simply fix the problems of our system, without destroying the private industry? Furthermore, why doesn't someone point this out VERY VERY LOUDLY?
Senator John D. Rockefeller IV, Democrat of West Virginia, said he was skeptical of suggestions to scale back health care legislation and pass some incremental changes as part of a stripped-down bill.
“That’s probably not so wise,” Mr. Rockefeller said. “That could become another long process.”
One idea is to pass a bill that focuses on tough federal regulation of health insurance markets. But Mr. Rockefeller asked, “Does that cover 35 million Americans?”
Does this guy not get it... that many people who don't have health-care don't have it because they simply can't afford it?... but that if we can reduce the costs of health-care itself with reform (such as reduce lawsuit liability, and price gouging), then the costs will drop and then people might be able to afford it? Why is it so necessary for the Government to create a system that kills the Private Sector?
Fact, the health-care that is received here in the U.S.A. is the best in the world. Why destroy a system that has so much good in it? Why not simply fix the problems of the current system?
Another example of this stupid thinking: Illegal Immigrants and Border Security. Can we not pass legislation to fix our borders that focuses simply on the border problem, without needing to muddy the waters with a COMPLETELY SEPARATE ISSUE: "What do we do with the illegal aliens here today?"

Just scratched the surface a little bit on the marriage thing...but here is what I got.
Gen. 2:18, 21-24
The Lord God said, 'It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him'...and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man's ribs and closed up the place with flesh.
Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. The man said, 'This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called 'woman,' for she was taken out of man.' For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.
I love that God intends companionship with other believers...but with marriage he intends that companionship WITH intimacy is what we get.
That's all for now :)
Reasons to get married according to the bible.
To procreate (one of two things that God/Jesus instructed Adam and Eve to do )
Gen 2:24 comes to mind
Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.
This is marriage.The reason being to be joined in a new life together, physically, emotionally...
I am interested if you asked her about the context of her question? Marriage has been important to societies for thousands of years. The idea of traditional marriage father mother kids has biological roots. We desire companionship, but also (not everyone) to have families with a protector provider and nurturer. These rolls are different for a lot of people now days. Interesting question...I'll have to think more about it.
I really think what I boil it down to is that God provides an invitation to one of His many blessings through a marriage that is God honoring/fearing. When someone enters into this kind of marriage they are able to enter into a new kind of relationship with him, more understanding of His love and sacrifice for us. This is hard to say because some people aren't meant to be married but the bible also talks about that and how it is a huge blessing and challenge. Or others that think they are doing the "right" thing by getting married and 5 years down the line find themselves in a really shitty situation.
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