Wendy and I just got back from Armenia on Sunday. I have a lot to say about it, but I've been finding it hard to blog lately. A few reasons exist for this:
1) Blogging is actually work. At least I think so. And when I get home and actually have time to blog, I really don't feel like doing so.
2) Any of you who blog know of the curse of blogging - you know, the fact that you blog about something, and since you've taken the time to blog it (see #1 above), you want people to read it. So, when you meet up with friends who haven't yet read said blog post, you don't want to talk about the topic you've blogged about, because.. well, you've put time into blogging it (see #1 above). So you avoid the conversation about the topic you've blogged about so you don't spoil your blog... which leaves you with very little important to actually talk about, because - naturally - the very fact that you've blogged it, makes it one of the important topics currently in your life (due to #1 above).
Thus, real-life conversations seem to suffer, and really, I already don't have much of importance to say in real-life without trying to make that more difficult by first blogging about it.
None of this is an issue of course, if the person has already read the blog - but then, let's face it, you're conversation is now just really a re-hash of what they already know.
Note: I've spent the last 10min. sitting here trying to think of a clever phrase or word to "coin" that represents this delima, this phenomenon, but have been unable to come up with anything really good. The best I got is "bloggerdox" (a cross between paradox and blogger). I'm taking votes and suggestions though, so chime in at any time.
3) There was a third really good reason for not blogging, which I had all lined up... but my rant about #2 caused me to forget #3. So just pretend you know what it is, and that it is really valid, and full of deeply considered reasoning.
I will blog about Armenia, I promise, and I'll even include pictures. Mostly though, I'm only going to do it because it will provide me with a way to not forget the impact and details of one of the most incredible, amazing, touching trip experiences of my life.
My New Language
5 years ago
I frequently suffer from Bloggerdox.
And i JUST emailed Wendy about getting together because we want to hear all about your trip!!
boo for bloggerdox, but yea for the most ammazing touching trip experience of your life! you better write, brother, because i want to hear the well-thought-out impressions of a trip like that. i want to hear what the Spirit spoke to you, what He showed you, what you're still chewing on, and if, in any way, you will live/act differently as a result. these things i would LOVE to read about, and then talk about some more!!! :) love you both!!!
I was going to say the same thing you ended with...BLOG to have a written memory out there. It's like keeping a journal...just as much for you, if not more, as it is for others to read! Plus, people are going to ask questions when speaking with you in person which you will then answer...which you can't do on a blog. So, in conclusion...do both!
I'm voting for blog, since distance will prevent me from the chance to talk to you about your experience in person...the least I should get is a blog!
I'm with Julie. Most times I blog for myself, as a way to keep a record of the meaningful (and sometimes meaningless) in my life. Most times when someone mentions my blog to me, it takes me a second to realize that it is even a public thing that others have access to.
In short, share your story with "future-you" who will no doubt need a reminder of the impact of your trip at some point, and if other people in read about it in the meantime- bonus!
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