Tuesday, December 16, 2008

More about a Man...

As I feared, yesterday's post didn't come out totally the way I have it all in my head. Maybe it's a good thing I never became a writer. Wendy tried to get me to explain more what I felt was lacking, and I am just unable to do so... so I'll settle for what I was able to say yesterday.

Anyway, I'm posting more, not because of the above, but because I did want to comment about the way I ended the diatribe. It came out as if I had come to a resolution on the topic, and was moving forward... that actually wasn't the original intent of the topic, and thus I want to throw it back out there to you, should you care to participate.

Yesterday was about my thoughts on what being a man means. (Well, it's a small portion of my thoughts...) However, I'm interested to know if you have any thoughts on the matter, or words of wisdom, or scripture, etc. Now, with that last one -- Don't go reading through the concordance (sp?) of your Bible just to be able to participate... even I can do that. However, if you have a passage in mind that you feel is poignant, please offer it up.